Friday, February 11, 2011

mega Nebraska/ backcountry post

Not so many NE pictures but a few. Sketchy ass drive on the way back from NE, about 20mph in a blizzard with semis zooming past us going 70. eventually we saw them tipped over in the snow and multiple other accidents. , this one is for you. check out the pic three down.
i took a lot of pictures at work, it does get quite boring when you are checking peeps passes. we got loaded with gatorade and had the heater going full blast.

The last half of the post is pictures of the backcountry adventures i have be participating in for the last three days. epic shit. first turns in milly bowl and fresh turns in the bowl next to that. next day, first turns down some chutes at snowbird. and the day after that fresh lines at solitude. real good stuff.

Check out He was our photographer for the ski salt lake shootout. good stuff coming from him.

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